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How can we and TrialPay give you GetRight for Free?
We have partnered with TrialPay. You choose from among a selection of offers from partner companies...when you complete an offer, you get a GetRight code for free. It's that simple.
There are a wide variety of offers, so you can choose something you're interested in already (like Blockbuster DVD rentals, GameFly game rentals, TiVo, or web hosting; there are tons more offers from which to choose.)
As a bonus, you also will receive our program "Where'd My Space Go" for free too!
* Credit card or PayPal orders will get your code within minutes.
Some other order methods will take longer to get your code; for example a bank transfer or
TrialPay offer times vary.
* Taxes may apply. Sales Tax must be charged in some US States and VAT taxes will apply in Europe.
* TrialPay offers and orders are not covered by our money back guarantee--the partner company will have its own return policies. But as long as
you complete the terms of the offer, you'd still get GetRight for free!