

GetRight Translations:
These language translations of GetRight have been created by regular GetRight users who wanted to translate GetRight into different languages. (Create your own!)

Translations for GetRight 6.0 +

GetRight 6.0 and higher adds a General--Language configuration page. This makes downloading and using a translation as easy as a few clicks.

For GetRight 6.0 and higher, just open that page to see the translations available (with more coming soon!)

Language Configuration

Translations for GetRight 5.2

GetRight 5.2d used a different system for translations, where you have to download the files yourself...

These patches are not created by Headlight Software and any problems with the translation (wrong words, spelling, etc) should be directed to the creator of the patch! For any problems or help with GetRight, see the Support pages.

There is no guarantee of the translation quality or that these translate everything in GetRight (even the most complete of these just translate the program and not the help files.)

All these language patch files add onto GetRight. You must already have the correct version of GetRight installed for these to work. Help installing these patches.

Older Translations for GetRight 5.1

Translations for GetRight 5.1: GetRight 5.1 translations need updating to work in 5.2, should start appearing soon! For now, if you'll need to use GetRight 5.1 with these translations.
Language/Download Created By Mirrors
Catal�n (Catalan Home Page)  
Danish Jens Hyllegaard Mirror
German #2 (German #2 Home Page) - email: Sebastian Kleinau  
Italian (Italian Home Page) - email: Leone Lucio  

Creating Your Own Translations

Bi-Lingual? There is information about how you can create GetRight translations yourself.

Installing Translations

To install these patches. (Note, any .EXE files will install themselves if you just run them, .ZIP ones follow these simple steps.)
  1. Download the translation you want above.
  2. UnZIP the files and save into the directory where GetRight is installed.
    Usually C:\Program Files\GetRight\
    If you need a program to unZIP the files, we recommend WinZip.
  3. From Windows Explorer, run the INSTALL.REG file to add the settings to use the patch. (Name of this file may be translated too.)
  4. Close and restart GetRight. That's it!