
Add Ons

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Add Ons for GetRight:
Here are some cool add on utilities for GetRight--and many of them are Free too!

Most of these have been written by other GetRight users, not Headlight Software. Headlight Software makes no guarantees as to the quality or functionality or use of these third party tools. Ones by Headlight Software will be marked: Headlight.

  • Opera/Netscape6&7/Mozilla/Firefox Plugin. Headlight. If you use the Opera, Firefox, Netscape 6/7, or Mozilla web browsers, this plugin lets you do some of the same click monitoring that GetRight can do with Internet Explorer. NOTE that a subset of these plugins is now included built into GetRight 5.2 and higher. On the config, General--Monitor--More Browsers page is where you can turn it on/off for different web browsers.
    More Information

  • GetRight Status Screen Saver. A cool screen saver that will have GetRight download windows (and a few other programs' windows) float around your screen. TS Status Screen Saver.
  • EMusic RMP 2 GRX. Converts RMP files to GRX files so they can be added to GetRight instead of using EMusic's download tool! rmp2grx web site.
  • GetRight IE Tools. Headlight. These are by us here at Headlight Software. These can add a few new menu items to Internet Explorer's right-click menus:
    • Searching for files.
    • A "Mini-Browser" to list all the links on a page.
    • Add a "Start GetRight" button to your IE toolbar.
    • To send to the GetRight Mail Control (see below).
    GetRight IE Tools Download Server 1 Download Server 2 (182kb, Thanks to Peter for making these!)

  • ScanDL. Helps you to simplify downloading groups of files from the Internet. It allows you to search HTML files automatically for links to add into GetRight.
    Softvisionz Home Page

  • WebReaper. An offline browser (web-site download program.) Has some cool features to add any big files from the site into GetRight for it to download.!

  • GetRight Download Status Screen Savers. GetRight allows other programs like Screen Savers and the Explorer Bar to show the progress of your downloads. There are several places you can get these screen savers!
  • by Software (A whole bunch of different ones here!)
  • by Robert Morris (2 different ones)
  • by Headlight Software (and code to show how it is done) Headlight.
  • GetRight Explorer Bar. Adds an "Explorer Bar" in Microsoft Internet Explorer to show the status of your downloads in GetRight within the browser!
    GetRight Explorer Bar by Green Eclipse Software!

  • GetRight Mail Control. Headlight. The GetRight Mail Control is a free add-on program for GetRight. It allows you to easily send URLs to be downloaded with GetRight on your computer from any other computer by just sending an email.
    GetRight Mail Control! (This one is by us here at Headlight Software)

  • LogRight. The log file generated by GetRight is admittedly not human friendly reading. Kyriakos Xagoraris has made a very nice program LogRight to make the information in a nice tree/list report.
    LogRight info and download!

  • GRX Generators. Several utilities have been written by GetRight users that lets you quickly create a GetRight import/export list (.GRX) for URLs to numbered files so that you can import the list into GetRight, like:

    GetRight now does this built in, on the Download Status, File--Add Numbered Sequence... menu. But several of these small tools have more options (like letters or more than one changing number.)

  • GetRight Download List Generator - GRDLG by TACKtech Corp. Looks like some nice options, can have a lot things changing at once for many numbered folders, giving different filenames for the downloads, etc.
  • GRX Sender by Adam Kwiatek. Lets you manage a bunch of GRX files and control how they're sent to GetRight.
  • GRX (includes Visual Basic source code!) by Ahmad Sulaeman
  • URL-Series by Dennis Kr�ger (DJKD). (I like this one--very simple and quick--makes the file, then automatically sends it as a command line item to GetRight. So builds in and works with GetRight very well.)
  • Spanish and English by Stenyak.
  • English and Russian by ������� ���������.
  • English and Spanish by Igor Galarraga.
  • Windows Version by autoMATion software (shareware)
  • Windows Version with some things especially for .RAR files by Piotr Jarzecki
  • Windows Version by Ryan Burnsides
  • Windows Version (Spanish) by Renato Loayza
  • GetRight